This piece was written in collaboration with Faith In Public Life, Georgia, to encourage participation in the 2022 Senate Runoff.

Voting is the Faithful First Step
By the Rev. Guillermo A. Arboleda, St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Savannah
We have another Georgia runoff election with national implications and as a pastor of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, I believe that we have a moral responsibility to ensure everyone’s voice is heard. It is our duty to make sure everyone in Chatham County and in Georgia can take part in a free, fair, and safe runoff election.
Under Georgia’s new election law, there is a lot less time to vote in the runoff than there was in 2020. But throughout history, people of every faith, race, and class have organized to make sure voting is safe and accessible for all of us, not just some. Because of the hard work of so many, we saw Georgia break records for voter turnout in the general election. It is my prayer that we can continue that civic engagement into the December 6th runoff.
I’m also calling on our Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, and all of the County Boards of Elections to ensure everyone at the polls is protected from threats of violence and intimidation. The United States has a long history of attacking Black and Hispanic citizens' freedom to vote. But together, we can ensure everyone’s sacred right to vote is protected.
As a pastor, I know it takes courage for someone to use their voice at the ballot box when too many in power want to make sure that our community's voice goes unheard. Far too many of us (myself included) have asked ourselves, “Does my vote even matter? I don’t see any real change.” That is exactly what some in power want us to think and feel. They want us to give up. But voting is not where the journey to justice ends; it is where it starts. It is a necessary first step towards building healthy and safe communities in Savannah, Chatham County, and beyond. When we use our vote, we are taking action for our family, friends and neighbors.
Whenever I vote, I think of the generations of civil rights leaders who came before us and led the way, those who sacrificed to ensure that people of every color, kin, and kind could participate in American democracy. I also think of the future generations to come like our children and grandchildren. I believe voting is sacred because it is a way to show up for those we love.
As a person of faith, I believe that everyone has been created in God’s image and God wants everyone to flourish (Genesis 1:27). I believe that God has called us to do justice in our communities and treat people with mercy (Micah 6:8). Voting won’t accomplish all of that, but it is a major first step toward answering that call. Georgia has become an example of what happens when people put their faith into action and show up to the polls. We can continue this moral momentum by showing up during another historic runoff. Now is the time to show the country what our values are in Georgia and in Chatham County. The nation will be watching. Let’s show the power of our vote, together.
Early voting has already begun this week in Georgia. Election Day will be on Tuesday, December 6th. Please check with the Chatham County election website for specific information on when and where to vote.